Velkommen til Helene Juul Design!
Ice Cream Soda Large Block Version fra Australske Tales of Cloth
Vanishing Act mønster på Quilt af Lucy Engels
Vintage Geese Quilt af af Bec Brennan fra
April and Otto Quilt af Bec Brennan fra
Orla Quilt af af Bec Brennan fra
Rainbow Rainforrest af Elizabeth Hartman
Cozy Cabin Quilt af Morgan Mccollough
Tuberose - quilt mønster af Eye Candy Quilts for Alison Glass
Regent Street Union Jacks af Amy Smart - Diary of a Quilter
Snake Trail af Denyse Schmidt
Spoolish af Denyse Schmidt
Run Wild Quilt af Then Came June
Granny Cabin Quilt af Then Came June
Backyard Party Quilt af Then Came June
Campfire Glow Quilt af Then Came June
Blakely Quilt af Then Came June
Bright Side Quilt af Then Came June
Little Fox Quilt af Annie Brady fra Bound Co.
Little Owl Quilt af Annie Brady fra Bound Co.
Little Racoon Quilt af Annie Brady fra Bound Co.
Bella Ruby Quilt af Treehouse Textiles
The Bloom Quilt af Treehouse Textiles
The Crossroads Quilt af Treehouse Textiles
Barcode Chic af Quiltachusetts, Heather Black